Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fakta Berkaitan Angkatan Tentera Malaysia Yang Anda Perlu Tahu

(Fakta yang saya kemukakan ini mungkin di bawahnya ada yang tidak tepat kerana tidak dapat disahkan kebenarannya. Saya berharap ada pembaca yang akan terangsang mindanya dan cuba mencari kebenaran akan cerita-cerita di bawah ini)

1. Malaysia pernah menghantar pasukan tentera semasa Perang Vietnam bagi membantu Amerika Syarikat menjejaki gerila Viet Cong.

2.Kemalangan pesawat MAS (MH653) di Tanjung Kupang bukan berpunca dari kerosakan enjin atau pilot error tetapi ada orang kata perbuatan sabotaj atau rampasan.

3. Komando Malaysia pernah membantu tentera AS bagi menandakan sasaran-sasaran tentera Serb melalui Laser Target Designator untuk dimusnahkan dengan "Smart Bomb" dari pesawat pengebom NATO.

4.Pernah berlaku pemberontakkan "Mutiny on ship" dalam sejarah Tentera Laut DiRaja Malaysia (TLDM), mereka yang terlibat kemudian dibicarakan di Mahkamah Tentera (Fakta tidak dapat disahkan).

5. Kapal perang TLDM, KD Selangor pernah terlibat dengan pertempuran laut dengan tentera Indonesia di mana seorang anak kapalnya mati semasa peristiwa konfrantasi dahulu.

6. Tahukah anda filem "Black Hawk Down" mengisahkan pemberontakan di Somalia, menyelewengkan fakta sebenar di mana sebenarnya tentera Malaysialah yang menjadi wira , tetapi oleh kerana ia filem Hollywood, maka peranan Malaysia langsung tidak diiktiraf.

7. Beberapa orang pegawai dari lain-lain pangkat dari Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) telah ditangkap kerana menjual maklumat semboyan kepada pihak Singapura.

8. Juruterbang Tentera Udara Di Raja Malaysia (TUDM) akan standby di cockpit pesawat mereka 24 jam apabila timbul isu panas terutama yang melibatkan Singapura.

9. TUDM telah menghantar pesawat Hawk ke Labuan semasa untuk kemungkinan peperangan semasa isu perebutan kepulauan Ambalat dengan Indonesia.

10. Seorang rakyat Malaysia pernah menjadi perisik KGB dan telah ditangkap oleh pegawai perisikan negara di antara tahun 70 - 80an dahulu dan beliau mengakui pegawai Cawangan Khas dan risik ATM sebenarnya sangat cekap.

11. Malaysia pernah mahu membeli pesawat Boeing AWACS semasa tahun 80an dahulu tetapi membatalkan hasrat tersebut selepas niatnya di bocorkan oleh media tempatan, wartawan yang mendedahkan isu itu kesemuanya di soal siasat oleh polis Bukit Aman.

12. TLDM sudah pun mempunyai kapal selam tetapi dalam bentuk mini subs, untuk kegunaan pasukan PASKAL.

13. Filiphina pernah "mengacah" sebuah kapal perang TLDM apabila dua jet pejuang F-5 mereka terbang rendah semasa satu isu dahulu.

14. TLDM sering membantu AS melalui pergerakkan kapal-kapal selam Russia di Selat Melaka semasa era Perang Dingin dahulu dan ini menunjukkan, TLDM sudah pun mempunyai sistem pengesan kapal selam yang amat baik pada ketika itu.

15. Singapura sering menguji sistem pertahanan Malaysia terutama radar melalui sistem peperangan elektroniknya dari dahulu sehingga sekarang.

16. Jumlah pelancong Singapura akan bertambah di sesuatu kawasan apabila ATM membuat eksesais tentera di kawasan terbabit.

17. Tentera Singapura akan membawa peluru betul tetapi berselindung di sebalik nama latihan apabila timbul isu panas dengan Malaysia sebagai contoh ketika lawatan seorang pemimpin Israel ke negara itu satu ketika dahulu.

18. CIA pernah memasang pelbagai alat pengintipan canggih di KLCC, aktiviti tersebut berselindung di sebalik pengambaran filem Entrapment lakonan Sean Connery dan Catherine Zeta Jones (Fakta tidak dapat disahkan)

19. Komando Malaysia pernah dihantar dalam satu misi khas ke Manila untuk mengambil dokumen berkaitan dengan Sabah satu ketika dahulu (Fakta tidak dapat disahkan)

20. Malaysia merupakan satu-satunya negara di dunia yang berjaya menghancurkan ancaman komunis sedangkan kerajaan demokratik Vietnam yang dibantu oleh Amerika Syarikat tewas kepada komunis.

21. Program permodenan ATM yang dikenali PERISTA dibatalkan oleh bekas PM, Mahathir Mohamad apabila terlalu banyak penyelewengan dalam program itu. PERISTA dibangunkan sebagai persediaan untuk menghadapi ancaman komunis yang telah menang di Vietnam.

22. Kapal perang tercanggih TLDM (bergantung kepada zaman) akan dihantar dahulu dan berlabuh di perairan antarabangsa apabila ada lawatan Perdana Menteri Malaysia ke negara itu.

23. Pesawat Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad pernah divert (tidak diketahui sesiapa) ke Pakistan untuk melihat ujian bom nuklear pertama negara itu. Mahathir kini TUN menjadi satu-satunya pemimpin Islam di luar Pakistan yang pernah menyaksikan ujian tersebut (maklumat ini disampaikan sendiri dari seorang anggota perisikan Pakistan kepada penulis satu ketika dahulu).

24. Juruterbang Australia pernah mengelar pilot pesawat pejuang TUDM, "Berani tetapi Gila" dalam satu temuramah dengan media di negara kita. Australia dan TUDM sering mengadakan latihan bersama semasa negara itu mempunyai skuadron pesawat pejuangnya di Butterworth.

25. Helikopter Nuri pernah ditembak jatuh dengan roket semasa darurat dahulu.

26. Peristiwa di Pasar Bakara, Somalia menyaksikan dua buah kereta kebal Pakistan yang sepatutnya melindungi konvoi tentera Malaysia bertindak melarikan diri (Ini disahkan oleh seorang pegawai tentera).

27. Kapal peronda TLDM pernah karam di Laut China Selatan akibat cuaca buruk dan beberapa orang anak kapalnya hilang.

28. Dua pesawat pejuang jenis Sabre dari Butterworth (tahun 1970an) pernah dilancarkan ke udara selepas radar di pengkalan itu mengesan pencerobohan pesawat asing (UFO-hal ini pernah saya baca dalam akhbar di Perpustakaan Negara dan ada dalam sebuah buku mengenai UFO yang saya temui di perpustakaan UiTM Shah Alam).

29. Komando Malaysia pernah mencerobohi kompleks pertahanan udara Singapura di Bukit Batuk

Sources:Blog Military Of Malaysia

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Has religion succeeded in its job turning us into good people?-RPK

As the title suggested above, this is one must-read article. One of Raja Petra Kamaruddin best, i guess. Before that, i am going to answer his question. So far, surely religion had not succeeded in its job. It is because religion is partially a lie. Islam is not, Islam is more or others than that of a religion. It is a set of law that Allah gives to simplify the human life. Religion can be created out of nowhere but Islam is already there, it is set. In conclusion, too much religion had caused many problem with our life. We begin his article here:-

They say there are two types of people. There are leaders and there are followers. 1% of the people are leaders while the majority are followers.

Within these two categories are further sub-categories. There are good people and there are bad people.

Within the good people category, they can again be subdivided into two more categories. There are people who are good by nature and there are people who are good because they are scared of being bad. If they were not scared of being bad then they would certainly not be good because being bad is more fun than being good.

And within the bad people category there are people who are bad because they are bad by nature while others are bad because they feel they can get away with being bad without getting caught or that later they can always repent and become good whereby they would be forgiven for all the bad they have done.

And this is why people need religion. Religion stops you from being bad and forces you to be good. Without religion there would be no stick and carrot. You get the stick when you are bad and you get the carrot when you are good. It is a form of punishment and reward system. You get punished when you do bad and you get rewarded when you do good.

In short, religion works on the concept of the bribery system. You are bribed through the punishment and reward system when you do bad and good respectively. And since most people are susceptible to bribes they would conduct themselves accordingly depending on whether they wish to be rewarded or whether they do not fear the punishment and do not care much for the rewards.

Over thousands of years mankind has had to conduct itself based on what religion tells them they should do. Religion has been the guideline for our conduct long before the invention of the police force and the legal system comprising of laws and courts.

The history of religion, however, is a history of violence, persecution, cruelty and brutality. In the name of religion mankind has been subjected to much suffering.

The question is who invented religion? And is religion something that God sent us or something that man created to conveniently oppress and suppress fellow man?

I do not wish to engage in a debate as to the existence of God or otherwise. There are some who believe that there is a God (or Gods). Others believe in the existence of a higher power although they are not quite sure what it is and whether God is the correct word to use for this higher power. Then there are others who believe that man is the product of nature and not of a higher being named God or whatever.

I leave it to you to decide how you came to be.

All religions have what we could call holy books. The ‘main three’, also called the Abrahamic religions, have the Old and New Testaments and the Quran. A study of all three holy books would reveal that there are a lot of similarities and overlapping doctrines. You would not be mistaken if you were to think that the three Abrahamic faiths are actually one faith divided into three sects. Of course, these three ‘sects’ are further divided into many sub-sects who are at most times in conflict with one another.

Man has a natural instinct to be bad. But they are forbidden from being bad basically because the religion they believe in forbids it. If the religion they believe in were silent on the issue then most would choose to be bad rather than good. But they have no choice but to be good because they fear that if they are bad they would receive punishment and not receive the rewards promised to good people.

You could say that most people are not good by nature but are reluctantly good. It is not that there are no good people who are good by nature. There are, although they would be in the minority. And you will find that most of the people who are good by nature do not have any religion. Some do not even believe in God. They are good just because they are, by nature, good and for no other reason -- in particular not because they believe in the system of rewards and punishment that religions propagate.

Has religion succeeded in its job of turning us into good people? Or has it instead turned us into hypocrites? How many of us are good because it is in our heart and how many are good because we have no choice but to be good? If religion were silent on what constitutes good and bad and if there are no rewards and punishment for being either what kind of person would we become?

That is something to ponder upon this Sunday. And before you adopt that holier than thou attitude and start moralising, ask yourself: are you really a good person who has earned the right to preach or are you actually a hypocrite who is not really good but is just a coward who does not dare become a bad person like how you would rather be if given that opportunity?


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Melayu VS Globalisasi

Alhamdulilah minggu peperiksaan akhir sudah pun berlalu , dan kini boleh menumpukan perhatian kepada penulisan diblog ini. Bulan lepas DS Najib telah mengumumkan proses liberalisasi system kewangan di mana memberi kebebasan dlm pemilikan equiti tanpa perlu pemilikan oleh orang tempatan. Lebih menarik perhatian DS Najib menyatakan bahawa org Melayu perlu menerima dasar keterbukaan yg dijalankan.

Maka terdetiklah didalam hati saya untuk berkongsi ulasan berkenaan adakah org Melayu sudah bersedia utk menerima proses globalisasi dlm kehidupan mereka di Malaysia?. Sy akan memecahkanya kepada 4 sub topic iaitu Melayu vs Globalisasi dalam kontek pendidikan, ekonomi, politik dan sosial.

Hari ini sudah ramai pelajar melayu yang menuntut di IPTA dan universiti luar negara dibwh tajaan mara,jpa, syarikat glc dll. Jika diimbau kepada sejarah sememangnya tahap pendidikan telah membawa perubahan yg cukup besar dalam sosio ekonomi masyarakat Melayu. Ia telah berjaya melahirkan ramai professional dan cerdik pandai dlm pelbagai bidang.Namun apa yg agak mengecawakan kejayaan itu gagal diterjemahkan secara total. Ia masih tidak mampu untuk melonjakan bangsa Melayu ke tahap yg membanggakan terutama dlm bidang ekonomi , sains dan teknologi.

Hakikatnya kesedaran peri pentingnya pendidikan dlm mengubah hala tuju bangsa begitu lemah. Orang Melayu masih sambil lewa dalam memberi dan memenuhi pendidikan yang terbaik kepada anak mereka. Ini amat berbeza dengan bangsa Cina yg begitu menitik beratkan soal pendidikan. Mereka sanggup berhabisan bagi memberi pendidikan terbaik kepada anak mereka. Masa zaman persekolahan dahulu, saya telah berkenalan dengan seorang Apek yang menjual buahan , makanan ringan diluar pagar sekolah.Dia menjalankan perniagaan dengan menggunakan van mini yang buruk dlm mencari rezeki. Apa yg membuat saya kagum tentang beliau adalah walaupun kerjanya sebagai penjaja tetapi dia mampu untuk menghantar anaknya belajar Universiti di Singapura dan Australia tanpa bantuan kerajaan! Rahsianya sepatutnya org Melayu belajar dan hayati.

Saya sampai hari ini masih terkesan lagi dengan cerita itu kerana tahu susah nak berjumpa org Melayu yang berjaya menghantar anak mereka keluar negara tanpa bantuan kerajaan terutamanya yg datang drpd golongan berpendapatan rendah. Saya tahu sangat sikap Melayu yang suka meminta minta bantuan walaupun berkemampuan. Maka jangan terkejut terdapat Melayu yang kaya sanggup memalsukan maklumat bagi mendapat bantuan walaupun mereka daripada golongan elit.Bagaimanakah nasib org Melayu dalam arus globalisasi jika bermentaliti begini kerana pendidikan ibarat akar pada kejayaan bangsa.

Pada tahun 1970 kerajaan telah menjalankan dasar ekonomi baru dalam proses penyusunan masyarakat berikutan tradegi 13MEI1969.Walaupun telah 40 tahun berlalu intipati asal DEB seperti pemilikan 30% ekuiti masih belum tercapai dan menjadi ‘misteri’ sehingga hari ini. Kegagalan ini bukanlah berpunca daripada kehebatan bangsa Cina dlm bidang pernigaan tetapi adalah kerana kelemahan dan kebodohan Melayu itu sendiri

Org Melayu terkenal dengan mentality nak mudah , kaya cepat dan cenderung kepada pelbagai skim cepat kaya mahupun jualan langsung. Orang Melayu terlalu rapuh dlm bidang perniagaan, mereka gagal mewujudkan networking yang baik dlm perniagaan lantaran sikap mementingkan diri yg begitu ketara. Tidak perlu terkejut terdapat ramai jutawan Melayu yang lahir drpd pelbagai dasar ekspress akan naik dan turun dengan begitu pantas .Mereka ini menjalankan perniagaan kerana dasar tamak dan untung cepat.

Perniagaan ibarat pokok yang perlu bermula drpd bawah dengan mencengkam akar dahulu sebelum boleh tumbuh lebih tinggi. Ini antara resipi kejayaan usahawan dan syarikat yg berjaya mereka bermula dari bawah.Jika mentality Melayu terus begini jgn terkejut kerana sudah mula wujud pengkhianat bangsa yg sanggup membuat apa sahaja hanya kerana duit. Adakah org Melayu mampu bernafas dlm globalisasi jika mudah dibeli dan disogok?


UMNO yg merupakan tulang belakang kerajaan dan org Melayu kini berhadapan dengan satu dilemma sama ada hendak terus menjalankan dasar mengutamakan Melayu atau masyarakat Malaysia secara keseluruhan. Hari ini ia dilihat sudah bongkok kerana diasak oleh parti komponen dan pembangkang. Selepas Mac 2008 pelbagai usaha telah dilakukan bagi menarik perhatian masyarakat bukan bumiputera. Antaranya memperuntukan peratusan yang banyak utk biasiswa JPA kepada pelajar bukan bumiputera dll.Ironinya ia masih gagal menarik undi bukan bumiputra kepada mereka walaupun mula sedikit menggadaikan retorik ‘Hidup Melayu’!

Orang Melayu terlalu suka berpolitik tetapi lihatlah pencapaian mereka dalam pelbagai bidang.Adakah boleh dibanggakan? Bebaloi ke bergaduh sesama sendiri?Apakah harga yang terpaksa dibayar lagi oleh generasi akan datang angkara kebodohan dan keegoan pemimpin Melayu?.Orang Melayu perlu sedar terlalu berpolitik akan membinasakan bangsa.Sejarah daripada zaman Portugis sampai skrg ada hujahnya. Sepatutnya mereka sudah mula sedar dan membina kekuatan sendiri tanpa perlu berpolitik dengan keterlaluan.Hari ini masyarakat sudah mula berbicara tentang keterbukaan.Kerajaan perlu adil dlm mengagihkan sumber pendapatan negara, itu antara hujah pihak tertentu.

Seharusnya org Melayu perlu bangkit dengan merevolusikan minda,fizikal dan mental untuk membina kekuatan sendiri kerana UMNO,PAS,PKR yang selama ini dianggap tempat berteduh sudah tidak mampu untuk menjayakan agenda parti sendiri kerana perlu menjaga hati org lain juga. Melayu drpd pelbagai golongan perlu sedar akan hal ini dan menjalankan reformasi terhadap kehidupan dan minda mereka secara total. Saya mencadangkan Melayu belajar dan meniru bangsa Yahudi yg hanya minority didunia ini akan tetapi menjadi majority dlm kejayaan bidang ekonomi,sains dan teknologi.

Mari lihat di akbar, televisyen , internet tentang masalah sosial yang menyelubungi masyarakat Melayu hari ini.Bangsa apakah yang tertinggi menjadi penghuni pusat serenti? Bangsa apakah yang menjadi Mat Rempit ? Bangsa apakah mudah dibeli dengan duit?Dan bangsa apakah yang mudah membeli maruah Melayu/Islam?.Cuba anda fikirkan sejenak soalan ini. Renungkan dan cuba cari puncanya kenapa berlaku.

Org Melayu terlalu ego dengan nilai keislaman mereka, akan tetapi realitinya mereka gagal utk menghayati dan membezakan antara Melayu dan Islam. Sebab itu jiwa mereka rapuh kerana keegoaan sendiri.Orang Melayu lantang mengutuk dunia Arab kerana gagal bersatu mempertahankan Palestin. Tetapi cuba Melayu fikir apakah yang sudah lakukan dlm mempertahankan darjat bangsa dan agama masyarakat di Malaysia?Apakah contoh yang terbaik yang dapat dipaparkan kepada bangsa lain jika Melayu itu sendiri penuh kudis dan kuman terhadap saudara sebangsa dan seagama.Orang Melayu seperti ketam pentingkan diri sendiri.Itu reality bukan mitos!

Globalisasi menuntut perpaduan dan kerjasama bagi menghadapinya. Golongan kapitalis barat sepakat merompak dengan tipu helah kekayaan sesebuah negara jika masyarakat disitu lembik dan bodoh.Fahamilah!.Jangan biarkan bangsa menjadi sampah sekali lagi angkara tewas dalam arus globalisasi. Musuh Melayu bukanlah Cina, Yahudi, Singapura atau Israel akan tetapi musuh utama ialah mentality Melayu itu sendiri !

Tulisan ini bukanlah bermaksud untuk mencetuskan provokasi atau perkauman, akan tetapi lebih kepada menyedarkan diri sendiri dan bangsa. Tuhan tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu bangsa sekiranya bangsa itu sendiri gagal melakukanya.Dunia globalisasi akan terus melanda dan membandai setiap segi dalam kehidupan.Mengubah minda,fizikal dan mental amat diperlukan bagi memastikan kita terus kekal dan survive.Janganlah kita meletakan diri dalam kebinasaan meskipun mempunyai masa untuk melakukan perubahan.Jika kita kuat dan sepakat, proses globalisasi adalah alat terbaik untuk kita menjajah negara lain dan sekaligus membina mercu bangsa yang berjaya!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Singapore-Malaysia Relations


THE PEOPLE ACTION PARTY(PAP) created Singapore out of its image, the work of its long-term leader, Mr Lee Kuan Yew. It dismantled the British superstructure in the island colony and put in its place the sinews of a modern administrative state. But in doing so, it created a whole colony of beavers, who worked hard, kept their thoughts to themselves, and did what they were asked to do. Those who did not follow the general trend were severely dealt with, and that included recalcitrant journalists and overseas magazines, The officials assumed a persona of their own, believed they could do no wrong, and looked down upon the people they negotiated with, if they were Malaysians, and got the edge over them by slick public relations.

The general feeling in Singapore is that the country across the causeway is their's for the kicking. The one time they clashed over water, in which Singapore assumed it was theirs and did Malaysia a favour by giving it treated water, it took Mr Lee Kuan Yew to see his counterpart, Tun Mahathir Mohamed, in 1986, and gave the Malaysians the upper hand in relations with the island republic.

Singapore thinks it is a Chinese island surrounded by a hostile Islamic sea, and first patterned itself to Israel in the Middle East, and then a United States outpost in the region. It remained afraid of Malaysia, and became globalisation's South-East Asian centre. It ignored its traditional entrepot trade with its neighbours, Malaysia and Indonesia, and thought it had a march on its neighbours by being as Western as possible. Mr Lee had a plan, and has faithfully followed it, but he has created a capitalist soceity with a communist heart. The people who carried this out kept their mouths shut and made themselves rich and western.

The second generation of civil servants knew the value of keeping their mouths shut, and doing what they are told. It brought in the US armed forces into the island republic so that it assumed a Malaysian attack on the island republic would be an attack on the United States. But it could also be the other way. In any case, if the past is any guide, it would harm Singapore more than Malaysia. The US leaning towards Pakistan has not prevented India from attacking it.

When Malaysian teachers and people in the education ministry had their retreat in Teluk Kemang (Port Dickson), they invited their Singapore counterparts, who kept mum throughout the retreat. A spokesman for the Singaporeans had to explain why they kept quiet. They keep their thoughts to themselves for even the walls have ears. They did what they were told. Nothing more nothing less. And they envied their Malaysian colleagues who criticised what needs to, even the most junior! A Malaysian working for a multinational company is posted to its Singapore office. He suggested a course of action against Malaysia, which he later found was much lower than the Malaysians were prepared to pay. But the Singapore head of the office did not want to do anything that will make him a sore thumb. So he took safe decisions, he and his officers did not think, so the current phrase goes, out of the box.

It will grow worse with time. But the comforting fact for them is that Mr Lee, 83, is around now. He is the only person left who was elected to the legislative assembly in 1959 and the PAP, with him as prime minister, came to power. He is now minister mentor, two steps higher than the prime minister. He promises to stay on in the legislative assembly for five more years. But time is a great leveller, and he would possibly not be around in his nineties. That is when Singapore will falll apart.

The new leaders, in the modern Singapore mould, and its thinkers will fall apart. Singapore knows this, and has cranked its public relations machine to show the world it does not need Johore's water. It has expensive desalination plants planned. It converts sewage into drinkingable water, calling it Newater. It hopes to get water from the outer islands, including Indonesia's Batam. It gives the impression that it sells Johore its own water, after treatment, though that is in the contract, which expires in 2061, is not mentioned. Malaysia insisted that the agreement calls for giving the Singaporean drinking water, but not to make money of it by selling water at higher prices to commercial organisations.

Rightly, Malaysia insisted on a share of that profits. Another public relations barrage attacked Malaysia for asking a share of the profits. But Singapore is on the defensive. It knows it cannot look Malaysia in the eye. There is talk of invading Malaysia. The crooked bridge is not as fanciful or odd as it seems. This would prevent a Singapore army from ever invading Malaysia. They do not have the ingenuity of the Japanese army, who finding the Australian sappers had bombed the causeway, crossed into the island from Johore Bahru by cross the channel on bicycles with propellers. The British were sure the Japanese would attack the island in conventional ways, had all its heavy guns trained outside, when the Japanese army caught them unawares from behind.

The second link is away from Johore Bahru, between Jurong and Gelang Patah, and its army would have to fight on touching Malaysian territory. But the Singapore army cannot fight, like the Americans, and depend on modern warfare, which has no relevance in Malaysia. In the year 2061, the water agreements expire, and would have to be renegotiated. But Johore, and Malaysia, may not want to extend the agreement. If it wants the water agreement extended, Malaysia would probably ask Singapore to be part of Johore, a much smaller entity than Singapore was when it was in Malaysia. Sixty years is a long time in politics. But for Malaysia, intensely political, it is a short time indeed. It may not happen as predicted, but then it may!

M.G.G. Pillai

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Tigers, Singapore Has To Contend With


There have been alot of tensions between Singapore and Malaysia, on issues pertaining from water to Pedro Branca or Pulau Batu Putih.Some Singaporean websites present things that if there was a war it will be a walkover for them, then there is this book by Tim Huxley, "Defending the Lion City", which makes out the war scenario with pre-emptive strikes on Malaysian Forces. Where Malaysian Forces are defeated and Malaysians are subject to Singapore's Military rule.

First of all Singapore and Malaysia, their fortunes are entwined, with blood ties across the causeway. There will be no winners in this war. Let me explain, Singapore considers itself the little Israel of South East Asia, thats why a lot of hawks down there advocate confrontation. There is no denying that its forces are well armed. The Israelis have always defeated the Arabs in all their wars, this confidence is ingrained in the Singapore minds. Let's have a reality check here, the Arabs do not regularly have Combined Arms Exercises, meaning they do not exercise simultaneously with their Armies, Navies and Airforce. Why ? To conduct combined exercises there must be clearance from the highest levels, so as to place the state police apparatus on the ongoing exercises, so that the Generals can be monitored. None of their despotic Arab leaders wants a coup conducted against them when all these many generals get together. So in other words their forces are never really tested. Only when cleared at the highest levels are they ever held, as it is a hassle to get clearance, therefore their forces are rarely tested, they learn most oftheir lessons during the war with the Israelis, but then it is too late.

Normally the Military is used against it's own citizens which they are very adept at. At lower levels, tank regiments do not exercise with infantry regiments, artillery and with others which is important to coordinate attacks and defence, these exercises not only strengthen coordination, weaknesses can be identified and rectified, logistics needs for hour to hour requirements on the battle field can be enhanced to improve deliverability, strengths noted to be improved upon, doctrines tested, if needed, changed to evolve into a magnificient fighting force. There is a dictum "the way you train is the way you are going to fight".

Malaysian troops constantly have combined arms exercises throughout the year, they have elaborately planned out training cycles for the individual,units, brigades, divisions and the corps as a whole. The Singapore mind, to place the Malaysian forces in the same category as the Arabs is an under estimation. Malaysian soldiers, sailors and airman join the regular forces for the love of the profession, most of them. There are servicemen with an impressive lineage of soldiering. Most Malaysian servicemen have been blooded. They exercise in peace times with imaginery enemies, they have made mistakes, they go back to the drawing boards. They know their weaknesses,they improvise, adapt and overcome. They also conduct lots of cross training with foreign forces.

An elevated level of cooperation with the United States on the range of fronts.There have been more than 75 U.S. military ship visits in the past two and a half years. The United States conducts training exercises with the Royal Malaysian Air Force, flying with and against them in mock battles. U.S. Navy SEALs conduct training in Malaysia twice a year. The U.S. Army does field exercises with the Malaysian army. I might mention here that, for their expertise in jungle warfare, Malaysians are known in the business as "whispering death." Finally, 1,500 Malaysian defense personnel have benefited from the U.S.

The confidence factor in the Singapore mind is their formidable airforce with their air to air refuelling capability, to bring them in from Australia, Taiwan and the US. One does not strike pre-emptively out of the blue. ". On this page you can find the aircraft order of battle of the Malaysian Air Force, locally known as Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia.
There should be an escalation of tensions. The majority of the Singapore servicemen are conscripts, the key elements of their forces are made up of their regulars. That means there is no continuation in training.

It is a major factor that will contribute in the performance of it's frontline troops. I have seen the conscripts perform, which makes me confident that we can defeat them on the ground, as the bulk of Singapore's forces comprise of conscripts. I do honestly hope they do not faint when they see blood and guts ! Malaysian troops are the only forces in the world to have defeated a communist insurgency. They happen to be the best jungle fighters in the world. Elite fores all over the world are trained by them. The jungle warfare school in Fort Benning, Georgia was set up by a Malaysian team.

Just to recapture, on the 3rd of October 1993 incident, in Mogadishu, Somalia a combined team of 4 Pakistani tanks and 24 Malaysian Infantry fighting vehicles rescued America's elite fighting unit, the Rangers. You can see the fictious account in the movie, "Black Hawk Down". For your information as they were moving into the combat zone, when hostile fire was being received the Pakistani tanks turned tail and fled, this has been hushed up in the name of diplomacy. The Malaysians persevered, rescuing the Rangers at the cost of one Malaysian killed, 9 wounded and losing 4 IFVs. Seventy, so called elite American forces did not litter the streets of Mogadishu with their bodies because of the sacrifices made by the Malaysians. Of course US magazines belittled the contribution of the Malaysian troops by calling them 'gun shy', as mentioned in Newsweek.

The Malaysians kept all MSRs openedwhen the Americans withdrew into a shell after that incident and to later withdraw from Somalia. An extract from the Washington Post. "They realized they'd have to do it in armor, so we linked them with 24 Malaysian armored personnel carriers, four Pakistani tanks and two armored personnel carriers and a company of armored Humvees," Stockwell said. Stockwell said "it came together very quickly" and strongly disputed the report of a U.S. Army officer in Washington that "it took intense pressure from Americans to get the Malaysians and some Pakistani M-113s to deploy." "I will grant you that in this international U.N. military we do not have the same command and control; the unity of command is a lot looser, so sometimes it takes some persuading," Stockwell said. But he added: "The Malaysians performed magnificently."

Summary of combat operations. or the US Ranger version.

Malaysians training the US Marines at jungle warfare.

In the decades in the fight against the Communists, there is no record of a Malaysian soldier taken alive. In Singapore's case during the 'Confrontation' against the Indonesians, there is one sorry episode the Singaporeans would like to forget involving the 1st Singapore Infantry Regiment. The Malaysian military remembers it's past, this is an incident which took place in the Congo in the sixties, when 13 Italian airmen, who took refuge at a Malaysian camp, were surrenderd to the rebels by a Malaysian Company Commander, of the 6th Battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment(refer to book by Lt. Col Maurice Lam). The 13 airmen were literally hacked to pieces in front of them.One of the reasons why the Malaysians did not turn down the Americans.

Just to show a weakness in Singapore's anti-armour weaponry, the MILAN needs to stabilize after launch for 400 meters, meaning it needs flat and a clear area before it is guided onto the target. There are not many open places in Malaysia to accomodate that. There are many other weaknesses that I will not mention here. The AWACs, Singapore has, are nearing shelf life, the Malaysians are going to acquire new ones. The Singapore subs are second hand and their tanks are antiquated AMX which have been upgraded so many times, using Frog (French) technology and the British Centurions. Their APCs are still with technology from the sixties. The Malaysian tanks which will be acquired are from the New Europe, Poland. Malaysians are in the process of getting new IFVs from Turkey. Very effective air defence systems are being purchased.

The 'Apache' helicopters AH64D have not been very effective against the enemy on the ground, proven in Karbala and Operation Anaconda. The'turkey shoot" during the Gulf war was a one sided affair on a retreating enemy during the first Gulf War, creating a myth on the invincibility of the Apache. Helicopters that attacked Iraqi Republican Guard units south of Baghdad on March 24 03."In attacking a formation of about 40 Apache Longbows on Monday, the Iraqis staged a classic helicopter ambush first perfected by the North Vietnamese in the 1960s. As the lethal, tank-killing aircraft approached on a mission to destroy the Medina Division's dispersed armor, troops dispersed throughout a palm-lined residential area and opened fire with antiaircraft guns, rocket-propelled grenades and a wall of fire from rifles and other small arms. ... "The Iraqi fire was so intense that the Apaches had to break off their mission and return to base." The results of that failed mission strongly suggest that the modern helicopter is a battlefield liability

Malaysia has MLRS regiments, where the dream target for an MLRS regiment is one such as Singapore, compact and dense.This is a quantum leap of firepower for Malaysia. Malaysia has currently 70 combat aircraft compared to Singapore's 150 combat aircraft. That gap will be narrowed when the Malaysians take dlivery of 18 F-18 Super Hornets and 24 Sukhois. Malaysia will not have limited warfare conducted on Singapore but total destruction.

This is an extract from an article by Derek da Cunha of the Institute of South East Asian Studies, " The Singapore Armed Forces could be described as a rapier, it is manoeuvrable, slick, and, in the hands of a skilled swordsman, can do all the fancy moves in attempting to deliver the lethal stab. On the other hand the Malaysian Armed Forces is like a broadsword; it's not very manoeuvrable, not slick, and, even in the hands of a skilled swordsman is unlikely to do all the fancy moves. Indeed it is fairly lumbering and unwieldy. However, in the ultimate analysis, a single slash of the broadsword could well result in the rapier snapping in half".

Malaysian terrain is very tough for the unexposed or the uninitiated. Allow me to paint a war scenario. Before that have a glimpse of some of Malaysia's naval vessels. Here is part of the details. More on the surface vessels. .

Malaysia and Singapore water talks (50% of Singapore's water needs is supplied by Malaysia) bog down and there is this ill feeling meanwhile there is this young gungho Commander of a Singapore warship the the RSS Battleaxe guarding the territorial waters off Pedro Branca, also on his mind is his impending divorce where he is going to lose his HDB flat to his wife all because he had a one night stand. This is nagging him constantly, meaning he is not in the correct frame of mind.

Along comes KD Hang Lekir, a corvette on orders by the Defence Minister to permanently station it in the waters off Pedro Branca, due to the failure of the water talks. Guns and radar are on 'active stations'. The Singapore Commander gets a report that there is a signature on the radar of a fast moving large vessel, orders 'action stations'. The commander of Hang Lekir, gets a report that guns are locked onto his vessel, he orders counter measures and simultaneously ranges on the Singapore vessel. RSS Battleaxe's Commander misinterprets this as hostile action and elevates status to 'battle stations'. Commander of RMN Hang Lekir is on the hotline to fleet operations, which in turn turns to MINDEF, Chief of Defence Forces, responds placing all forces on a high alert.

JERNAS area air defence system. JERNAS is the only land-based air defence system designed to defeat the most severe threats, including cruise missiles and smart munitions.The AMS Blindfire weapon control radar provides JERNAS with an all-weather day and night capability. Fast acquisition and extremely accurate tracking of the target and the missile in flight give the air defence system unique dual engagement capability. With pencil beamwidth, high power, adaptive wide-band frequency agility, very low side lobes and smart digital processing, the radar is immune to all forms of jamming.

What does this mean ? It means jets are scrambled to have an air defence capability, with jets on tarmacs waiting to take off. These events are monitored by Singapore's E2C-Hawkeye aircraft, they alert Singapore's MINDEF. Meanwhile the drama on the high seas is unfolding, commander of KD Hang Lekir is told not to engage unless fired upon, the RSS Battleaxe is a FAC(Fast Attack Craft) with 20mm Bofors opens fire on KD Hang Lekir, this corvette, one of the most modern is South East Asia can simultaneously engage targets under the sea, on the surface and air. The commander, to defend a strategic asset from being destroyed and who also who wants to become rear-admiral before the age of 38, orders launch of a ship to ship missile. The RSS Battleaxe is no more. The wife of the Commander of RSS Battleaxe will definitely get the HDB flat. All these is observed by the E2C and reported.

MINDEF gets radio stations to announce codes for mobilization. The Malaysian electronic counter counter measures unit gets to pick up this information and passes it along. Lee Hsien Loong gets on the hotline and calls Najib accusing him of sinking a Singapore warship, Najib retorts that it was the Singapore ship that fired first. They continue arguing. Meanwhile, the strategic division is ordered to move to Johore, which it has rehearsed countless times times and played the game against a Southern enemy. Malaysian airdefence radars (Marconi- Martello Systems) and AWACs picks up fast moving aircraft intruding into Malaysian airspace.

All jets at Butterworth, Kuantan,Gong Kedak and Subang are scrambled, whilst the jets in East Malaysia are placed on alert, with Malaysian AWACs monitoring airspace in Taiwan and areas south of the Borneo island, for Singapore's reserve jet fighters coming in to join the fight. Simultaneously looking for Singapore's airtankers to be destroyed, before they refuel the RSAF jets coming in from Australia, Taiwan and the US. Many aircraft go down, Singapore's and Malaysia's, there is air parity. Malaysian fighters manage to penetrate into Singapore airspace and destroy 2 KC-130 tankers and 2 Stratotankers diminishing Singapore's air to air refuelling capability.

Malaysian naval ships and submarines scatter to sink and destroy Singapore's navy and merchant navy, concentrating near the straits of Tebrau, as there is air parity. The airborne brigade is ordered to conduct a linkup operation along the Mersing, Layang-Layang, JB line. The Army units in JB are ordered to defend JB, the Tebrau straits is flooded with napalm, benzine, and crude at likely footholds for the Singaporeans.

Singapore's Guards regiments which are heliborne will have to reckon with the Malaysian airborne at all strategic routes which it has to secure for it's armoured formations along three axis Kota Tinggi-Jemaluang-Mersing, Layang-Layang-Rengam-Keluang and JB-Air Hitam-Yong Peng with it's antiquated AMX and Centurions. The defence of these axis has been done numerous times by Malaysian troops on exercises. Meanwhile special forces snipers armed with 12.7 mm Barret rifles will go into hides to take out Singaporean armour at a range of 1.5 km with armour piercing rounds. Infantry taking up positions in strong points with AGLs and anti-tank weapons.

PT-91 Twardy Main Battle Tank. The Singaporean antiquated AMX (so called upgraded)and Centurion tanks will have to contend with this.The PT-91 MBT is equpped with the Fire Control System consisting of Gunner Station. It basis on modernized TPDK-1 sight for day channel and optionally passive PCN-A sight or thermal imagine sight, which create night fighting capability. The fire solutions are calculated by the ballistic, digital computer which processes mixed set of information generated by set of sensors and input manually by the gunner.

Air defence batteries are deployed, with shoulder held anti-aircraft missiles (Starburst systems, Iglas and Jernas). The Malaysian armoured and mechanized formations will race to link up with the airborne. Singapore needs to cross the straits to get its troops across, heavy casualties are inflicted, Malaysians fall back to conduct a delaying and mobile defence, all these are covered by air and artillery.

Malaysians have trained year in year out to march in full combat gear over 40 kms in under 10 hours and construct fire trenches with overhead protection within 8 hours. Laying of obstacles comes next, it is actually a breeze considering the terrain one is familiar with. Independent and co-ordinated tank hunting parties will be sent out. The Singapore advance bogs down at Muar. The US cannot come running, as it is bogged down in Afghanistan and Iraq. Guerilla war by Malaysian units are conducted at the rear echelons of the already very stretched Singapore supply lines, who also face a very hostile populace.

Malaysia signs deal worth $48 million with Russia's Rosoboronexport to purchase its IGLA short-range air defense system.

Defending a Small Nation and all about Malaysia.

Its probably at this stage that the diplomats, and the UN will come into play.This is the otherside of a war scenario, to be more detailed will make this long and probably boring. There is always another side to a coin.

Sources: www.militaryofmalaysia.blogspot.com


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Berikan Khairy Peluang

Setelah puas melayari blog yang memberi komen atau ulasan berkenaan keputusan pemilihan jawatan tertinggi Umno 2008.Maka terdetik pula sy untuk memberi ulasan berdasarkan perspektif sebagai mahasiswa dan generasi muda yang cinta kepada tanah air.Terlebih dahulu sy ingin mengucapkan tahniah kepada pemimpin yang telah mendapat kedudukan dlm parti, diharap selepas ini akan berkerja lebih kuat dlm memartabatkan perjuangan politik dan ekonomi bangsa.

Berdasarkan pandangan blogger dan penganalis politik, pemilihan kali ini adalah terbaik kecuali kejayaan oleh saudara Khairy Jamaluddin yang telah memenangi jawatan Ketua Pemuda Umno. Kemenangan beliau telah mencetuskan pelbagai sentimen khususnya berkenaan kredibiliti peribadi beliau.Tidak perlu di ungkap di sini apa persepsi tersebut.

Tetapi apa yang saya ingin ungkapkan ialah tiada manusia yang ''perfect''.Sewajarnya setiap ahli Umno menerima keputusan perwakilan yang memilih beliau untuk menerajui Pemuda serta memberi peluang kepada beliau menunjukan kepimpinan dan kewibawaan bebanding mencetus provakasi.Beliau menepati citarasa golongan muda sekarang yang mahu pemimpin yang agresif,berwawasan dan cekal.Walaupun didapati bersalah kerana kesalahan politik wang.

Sy bukan Pro Khairy atau ahli Umno malahan tidak pernah berjumpa beliau.Tapi sy seorang yang sayang bangsa dan tidak sanggup melihat bangsa bergaduh kerana jawatan,orang lain yang untung. Belajarlah bagaimana British datang menjajah dengan menggunakan air liur sahaja angkara pemimpin melayu yang berebut jawatan.Jika beliau gagal memenuhi aspirasi perjuangan bangsa,pilihlah orang lain dalam pemilihan akan datang!

Apa yang merisaukan sy selepas ini akan berlaku pergolakan politik dalaman Umno.Cukup2 lah pergolakan politik diantara parti pembangkang vs kerajaan. Pergolakan dalaman dan luaran parti politik akan mencabut berita keperitan rakyat yang sepatutnya mendapat keutamaan di surat khabar dan televisyen. Sudah tentu isu politik yang sensasi akan mendapat liputan utama bebanding masalah rakyat.

Masalah kualiti hidup rakyat adalah kewajiban setiap ahli politik, dan sekarang masa terbaik untuk membuat kerja.Bersama sama meningkatkan taraf ekonomi dan sosial rakyat!Ayuh Barisan Nasional,Parti Islam SeMalaysia,Parti Keadilan Rakyat dan Parti Tindakan Demokratik kita menjayakannya!

Ada orang suka terus terang,

Ada orang suka cakap belakang.


Monday, March 2, 2009

The Muslim Mentality

Prelude – An Inspiration of Disappointment Pour-Out

As titled above,I will touch on the failure of Muslim, as I am particularly very saddened and disappointed with the circumstances cornering Muslim all around the world in the societal and individual manner. In this prelude, I will highlight two major inspirations as of my purpose of typing this article: -

1) Reading the 2nd book of Syed Akbar Ali, titled Malaysia & The Club of Doom*. The star symbol means The Collapse of Islamic Countries. He shed many lights in discovering Failed State of Islamic Countries, as well as Malaysia.

2) My recent debate with an ex-Muslim, who then introduces me to this site, Faith Freedom International. You can access the site with following address; www.faithfreedom.org. Our arguments refresh me with the problems, sickness and hatred from Non-Muslim toward Muslim Nations. Notwithstanding the fact that Muslims are troublesome ummah, The Quran and deen of Islam are not to be blamed.

Therefore, we can shift to major purpose of this article. I am doing this for awareness of my fellow Muslim regardless of geographical location, the needs to fix Islam image. This is also a result of pent-up disappointment towards Muslim behavior despite there are obvious, foolproof references ever, the Al-Quran. Despite the many criticism & resentment falls over Muslim, we are unchanging of our fate. Before we move into 2nd chapter, I need to make clear of something; the facts & figures in this article will be primarily based on the Syed Akbar Ali book, others would be derived from Internet. I will also include my personal observation.

Malaysia – The Closest for Good Example of Failed Muslims

Now we are talking. Even though Malaysia is declared Islamic country, I do not personally believe so. My reason, the constitutional law is adapted from British common law. Furthermore, the Democratic systems are not cited anywhere in the Al-Quran. I think the declaration of Malaysia as Islamic Country is just a cheap joke, ill-augured politically-motivated as to gain certain masses support. I think the idea is oblivion. How can a country yell it is Islamic country when it seconded the Al-Quran? The Syariah law that is based on Al-Quran, Hadith, Ijma’(consensus) & Qias(analogy) are underrated.

To give some surprise, in December 2005, Govt. sponsored and passed a new law called Islamic Family Law Bill, in which some section are copied from the British law-based Marriage and Divorce Act. Don’t believe me? Here is the evidence. Section 58 of the Islamic Family Law is a duplicate of Section 76 of Law Reform (Marriage & Divorce) Act 1976 (Act 164) & Rules.
Firstly here, Section 76 from British law:

Section 76. Power of Court to order division of matrimonial assets.

(1) The court shall have power, when granting a decree of divorce or judicial separation, to order the division
between the parties of any assets acquired by them during the marriage by their joint efforts or the sale of any such assets and the division between the parties of the proceeds of sale.

And here our Islamic Family Law:

Section 58. Power of Court to order division of harta sepencarian.

(1) The court shall have power, when granting a pronouncement of talaq or when making an order of divorce, to order the division between the parties of any assets acquired by them during the marriage by their joint efforts or the sale of any such assets and the division between the parties of the proceeds of sale.

If you notice, only minor changes are made like using the Arabic word talaq instead of ‘divorce’ or the Malay word harta sepencarian instead of ‘matrimonial assets. Million of Malaysia’s Muslims are duped into thinking Islamic Family Law as rightful and super duper when it was actually erroneous. The point is, why create purported religious laws by borrowing from laws which are deemed to be Christian laws? It is ironical that after all the fuss the same Western law had been adopted to help create two separate legal systems. This serve as our first Failed Muslims case.

Muslims in Malaysia are often seen as lazy, poor, stupid, doing trivial stuff, etc. So much negativity, so much hatred is thrown at us. Now, why is this? We have Islam, the deen of perfect life, so why we failed? The answer is easy, because we do not read & do not understand the Quran very well. In fact, this answer is mother answer to all problems faced by Muslims. Let me take one example. Quran has urged that non-muhrim of man and woman not to be together in secluded place. Why?

Because when man & woman in secluded area together, there is no knowing what will happen next. Driven by desire (nafsu), temptation from third party (devil, demon) or whatever you call it, chances, who know what is happen next? But the youth disregard it, so of late we see an increasing amount of sexual assault, the catch of young couple berkhalwat, the mass distribution of video of previously said case, involving a majority of Muslim people. According to some statistics, from 2000 to 2005, there are 100% increases in adultery case! When Allah actually makes our life easy, we underestimated it. From surah Taha, Allah did mention that Al-Quran is not to cause any hardship: “We did not reveal this Quran to cause you any hardship” 20:2.

Not only religion naivety curses those of Muslim youth, but also at levels of politician and elderly. For example, in the case of Saiful – Anwar sodomy, there are no mentioning that the accuser doing the swearing in Al-Quran, it suppose to be the accused to do the swearing to defend himselves. In that swearing, Saiful make 2 major mistakes, the mispronunciation of Watallahi and admit wrong date (Aug 26 before correct it to Jun 26). It looks like Allah will clearly show who is the false when you play with His religion. Saiful is a munafiq (a concept given to those who ostendingly admit to know about religion). Is that now we can see that there is nothing happening to both party? Because there is fallacy, so nothing happen. Following the incident, the swearing become quickly famous, and the prominent political leader also followed it to stave off accusation thrown at them.

[63.2] They made their swearing (or admittance) as a shield (to save their life and wealth from being killed or seized), hence they barricade (thyself and others) from follow the correct Path of Allah.
Our ummah is also dirty and unclean. We made comparison with South Korean. The Quran talks about ‘aamilus solihaat’ or righteous works. The South Koreans have established a cycle of aamilus solihaat. These must be preceded by a willingness on the part of the people to cooperate and help each other. They must agree to abide by so called secular laws which say that no rubbish must be thrown into the rivers. They have inculcated a good value system which teaches the majority of their population to wash their hands after using the toilet.

They must have disciplined Civil Servants whose duty is to implement those laws fairly and efficiently. Unfortunately this circle of aamilus solihaat has so far eluded the Islamic countries. One cannot avoid noticing that most Muslim countries are still dirty and unhygienic, including Malaysia. Its public toilets are filly. If one can spent their time at toilet and observe, many highly educated Muslim will walk out without washing their hands.

As the last example, some religious folks came out with the idea to arrest and jail people who have deviated from their religion. When they get strange ideas like this, it will invariably involve money. This idea created opportunities to award multi mullion Ringgit contracts to lucky religious folks to build a Pusat Pemilhan Akidah or Faith Rehabilitation Centre to reform the so called religious deviants whom they were going to arrest. So they built one at Jelebu in Negeri Sembilan. Then they found out that because religion is a state matter in Malaysia, involving state legislation under the respective Sultans – they could not move ‘deviants’ freely across state boundaries. For example you can’t arrest a deviant in Selangor & jailed him in Jelebu.

The end result was that the Faith Rehabilitation Centre in Jelebu fell into disuse and disrepair. The chair, tables and electrical fittings were stolen or ‘went missing’. This is stupidity. The Quran allows freedom of belief. The Federal Constitution also guarantees freedom of religion. Why arrest anyone for being a deviant? To sum it all in one word, the Islamic countries often embark on really useless religious escapades, waste money in the process, get themselves tied into knots and then spend even more money sorting out the mess.

The Failed State – The Definitions and Characteristics

Failed State has various definitions. This is one or two I derive from the book. “A state if failing when its government is losing physical control of its territory or lacks a monopoly on the legitimate use of force. Other symptoms include the erosion of authority to make collective decisions, an inability to provide reasonable public services, and the loss of the capacity to interact with the international community”. Another definition says a State is failing when there is “extensive corruption and criminal behavior, inability to collect taxes or otherwise draw on citizen support, large-scale involuntary dislocation of the population, sharp economic decline, group-based inequality, and institutionalized persecution or discrimination. Below are twelve characteristics of Failed State:

1. Mounting Demographic Pressures
2. Massive Movement of Refugees and Displaced Persons
3. Legacy of Vengeance – Seeking Group Grievance
4. Chronic and Sustained Human Flight
5. Uneven Economic Development along Group Lines
6. Sharp and/or Severe Economic Decline
7. Criminalization or Delegimitization of the State
8. Progressive Deterioration of Public Services
9. Widespread Violation of Human Rights
10. Security Apparatus as “State within a State”
11. Rise of Factionalized Elites
12. Intervention of Other States or External Actors

Malaysia, if not all of the above-listed characteristics, possess most of the factors such as no. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 (in Perak?), 8, 9. Malaysia also had following failure: Restrictions on the free flow of information, the subjugation of women, a low valuation of education, and inability to accept responsibility for individual or collective failure.

This will be my last paragraph. So I am going to include my personal observation:

1. I had a friend who has vast knowledge about Islamic knowledge. He shed a lot of light when there is anything I ponder, of doubt or uncertainty I have towards Islam. Despite that, I lost my faith in him when I see his holding hands with his girlfriend. This is another – individual failure. Those who cakap tapi tidak serupa bikin. When I ask him, this is the answer, ‘As a youth, we need to rejoice. It is ok to be holding hands now, it is only small sin. Furthermore, she was the one who are holding my hands. Anyway, we can always repent because Allah is the Acceptor of Repentance”. I am very sorry for this guy. I am sorry because he took Allah for granted. What if the time during his maksiat, Allah punish him with death sentence? There was large hypocrisy in Muslim world.

2. It’s laughable matter when you indulge deeply in Quran knowledge, just to find out that there are so many fallacy, so many deviant and naïve out there. For example, Muslimah wear of tudung. The wear of tudung is compulsory-imposed by Allah to woman: Following are verse from Al-Quran and Hadith from Prophet Muhammad:

a) [33.59] Wahai Nabi, suruhlah isteri-isterimu dan anak-anak perempuanmu serta perempuan-perempuan yang beriman, supaya melabuhkan pakaiannya bagi menutup seluruh tubuhnya (semasa mereka keluar); cara yang demikian lebih sesuai untuk mereka dikenal (sebagai perempuan yang baik-baik) maka dengan itu mereka tidak diganggu. Dan (ingatlah) Allah adalah Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani.
b) Rasulullah bersabda: “Bahawa anak perempuan apabila cukup umurnya, maka mereka tidak boleh dilihat akan dia, melainkan mukanya dan dua tapak tangannya hinnga pergelangan. (H.R. Abu Daud)
c) [24.31] Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan-perempuan yang beriman supaya menyekat pandangan mereka (daripada memandang yang haram), dan memelihara kehormatan mereka; dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka kecuali yang zahir daripadanya; dan hendaklah mereka menutup belahan leher bajunya dengan tudung kepala mereka; dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka melainkan kepada suami mereka, atau bapa mereka atau bapa mertua mereka atau anak-anak mereka, atau anak-anak tiri mereka, atau saudara-saudara mereka, atau anak bagi saudara-saudara mereka yang lelaki, atau anak bagi saudara-saudara mereka yang perempuan, atau perempuan-perempuan Islam, atau hamba-hamba mereka, atau orang gaji dari orang-orang lelaki yang telah tua dan tidak berkeinginan kepada perempuan, atau kanak-kanak yang belum mengerti lagi tentang aurat perempuan; dan janganlah mereka menghentakkan kaki untuk diketahui orang akan apa yang tersembunyi dari perhiasan mereka; dan bertaubatlah kamu sekalian kepada Allah, wahai orang-orang yang beriman, supaya kamu berjaya.

From this reference above, we can conclude that the real, approved wear of tudung must close everything, except for face and hand to wrist. But, how of Muslimah Malaysia attire? That is why Muhammad says this: Sesungguhnya sebilangan ahli neraka adalah perempuan yang berpakaian, tetapi telanjang yang condong pada maksiat dan menarik orang lain untuk melakukan maksiat. Mereka tidak akan masuk syurga dan tidak akan mencium baunya. (Hadis riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim), I aware that this article would welcome many pleasant and unpleasant comment. The unpleasant would be ‘ingat dia bagus sangat ke’, ‘mesti dia pun ada buat salah juga’. However, you need to remember that Quran urge people to wipe away bad assumption. Read my thought with logic alone, throw away all the prejudice. Only certain prophet are maksum (protected from sin), but at least, we need to be sincere with ourselves. With this, I try to make my llife & yours better.

As a conclusion, thanks your for reading my article. Do what you can to rejuvenate Islam image. See example from Nabi’s victorious age. Every single thing you know about Islam & Al-Quran would greatly helps. Islam & Al-Quran are not to blamed for gloomy, failed Muslim life. Again, Jazakallahu Khairan.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Kuasa Politik Dan Ekonomi

Hari ini
kita melihat pelbagai konflik yang berlaku didunia, krisis kemanusian dalam meneruskan kehidupan yang penuh liku dan cabaran. Manusia ghairah untuk mencari kuasa dan pengaruh dalam meneruskan survival mereka di muka alam ini. Mencari kekayaan,kuasa, penghormatan merupakan satu kemestian bagi setiap ahli politik dunia hari ini.

Acap kali juga orang beranggapan kekebalan kuasa politik akan menentukan survival sesuatu bangsa. Maka tidak hairan jika yang berkuasa akan memanipulasi dan mengawal apa sahaja yang boleh memberi faedah atau ancaman kepada mereka.Dahulu, orang yang mempunyai kuasa politik dianggap hebat seperti golongan feudal,bangsawan dll.Mereka ini mampu untuk mempengaruhi hal kehidupan sosial rakyat setempat.

Namun sekarang dunia sudah berubah kekebalan politik tidak dianggap satu hagemoni kepada sesuatu bangsa jika sekiranya tidak menguasai ekonomi.Di Malaysia contohnya, orang Melayu bangga dengan Ketuanan Melayu yang memberi mereka jaminan dari segi kuasa politik.Manakala orang Cina dihormati dengan Ketuanan Ekonomi yang memberi kelebihan dari segi kuasa kewangan bebanding kaum yang lain.

Politik dan ekonomi adalah saling berkaitan dalam menentukan jatuh bangun sebuah negara.Kebiasaanya ahli politik akan menggunakan isu ekonomi dalam kempen mereka untuk mendapat pengaruh dalam setiap pemilihan.

Maka tidak hairanlah jika terdapat dakwaan atau andaian bahawa orang politik kebiasaanya dikeliling oleh ahli perniagaan dalam mendapatkan sumber kewangan dalam kempen mereka. Orang yang memberi bantuan kepada ahli politik mengharapkan akan dapat pengaruh bagi membantu mereka dalam perniagaan seperti penganugerahan atau mendapat kelulusan projek dll. Orang politik macam ini menjual maruah uniform yang dipakai mereka dengan harga yang murah dengan membiarkan diri mereka dipergunakan.

Setiap kali timbul isu yang melibatkan permainan silang kata antara politik dan ekonomi.Tidak dapat dinafikan kuasa ekonomi akan dapat mengawal dan mengatasi orang yang memegang kuasa politik.Contohnya kekurangan bekalan makanan asasi dipasaran telah menunjukan kebenaran hakikat ini.Kerajaan kebiasaan terpaksa tunduk kepada kehendak golongan industri untuk menaikan atau menurunkan harga sesuatu barang dipasaran.Jelas menunjukan perjuangan untuk memartabatkan bangsa dan negara memerlukan pengaruh ekonomi bagi menjadikan ia realiti.

Diperingkat hubungan antarabangsa,contohnya negara China dan Jepun menikmati hubungan politik yang naik dan turun kekadang sedikit emosi. Tetapi dalam ekonomi tidak menunjukan hal sedemikian. Hakikatnya Jepun adalah rakan dagang utama China, banyak syarikat Jepun membuat pelaburan di China.Walaupun dari segi hubungan politik tidak menggalakan.Demikian juga hubungan politik antara Malaysia-Singapura yang menunjukan naik turun.Tetapi realitinya, kedua-dua negara ini bergantung sama lain dalam meraih faedah ekonomi.Jika sebarang konflik timbul kepentingan ekonomi diberi perhatian dahulu bebanding faedah politik.

Ini semua jelas menunjukan kuasa politik tidak lagi dianggap kekebalan atau hak istimewa sesuatu bangsa sekiranya tidak disertai oleh pemilikan dari segi ekonomi.Realitinya mereka yang memiliki kuasa kewangan mampu untuk membeli apa yang ditawarkan dan dihajati.Ini jelas dalam teori ekonomi moden(permintaan dan penawaran). Didunia ini orang yang dapat membeli pasti mempunyai kelebihan keatas apa yang dibeli dan dimiliki.Belajarlah daripada bangsa Yahudi yang mampu memegang ekonomi dan mempengaruhi setiap dasar luar Amerika hanya dengan menguasai kuasa ekonomi!


Monday, January 5, 2009

Tangisan Palestin!

Melangkah ke tahun baru 1430H kali ini amat menyedihkan apabila melihat rakyat Palestin dibunuh dan diperlakukan seperti binatang oleh manusia yang berideologikan zionis. Kemana menghilangnya suara 1bilion umat islam seluruh dunia?kemana lenyapnya ego 300 juta bangsa arab?.

Tidakah mereka tahu jelas terpancar di dlm kitab suci Al-Quran melontarkan kandungan bahawa setiap muslim adalah bersaudara?bukankah ia salah satu soalan mungkar dan nangkir dlm kubur nanti?

Sedih mengenangkan akan nasib umat islam pada hari ini, kita telah jauh terpesong drpd suruhan ajaran agama yang sebenar. Dimana OIC dan Liga Arab dalam memberi sinar harapan kepada bangsa Palestin?.

Jelas kita terlalu kerdil walaupun secara statistiknya adalah ramai.Jelas kita terlalu miskin walaupun secara zahirnya adalah mewah.Jelas kita telah lari daripada prinsip yang didokong oleh Rasullah s.a.w.

Maka tidak pelik bin hairan jika ini adalah balasan kepada kita semua.Kita bangga menjadi orang islam secara zahirnya tetapi didalam jiwa kita adalah lemah dan mudah untuk dipermainankan oleh musuh islam

Tidakah kita mengerti, memastikan kemerdekaan dan kedaulatan rakyat Palestin adalah satu tuntutan dlm beragama walaupun kita tidak berjuang bersama sama mereka, tetapi kita perlu menyimpan rasa didalam hati akan tanggujawab kita kepada mereka.

Maka teringatlah kata2 Sultan Abdul Hamid 2(sultan terakhir empayar uthmaniyah) apabila baginda ditawarkan wang oleh pemodal yahudi bagi mendapatkan tanah di Palestin. Baginda berkata''Palestin bukanlah milikku dan bangsa Arab,Akan tetapi Palestin adalah milik umat islam, Aku tidak akan menyerahkan walau seinci pun tanahnya kepadamu, Setelah para syuhada menyuburkan darah mereka disitu,Simpan sahajalah wang kamu,Akan tetapi jika kamu masih berminat mendapatkanya maka cincang lumatlah tubuhku ini sebelum kamu boleh memilikinya"


Friday, January 2, 2009

Tahun Baru 2009 &Maal Hijrah 1430H

Masa cepat berlalu tanpa disedari skrg kita berada ditahun 2009 M & 1430H. Pelbagai peristiwa drama kehidupan manusia dipentas alam ciptaan tuhan bakal kita saksikan dan hayati tahun ini. Sebagai mahasiswa yang skrg ini memasuki semester 6@tahun3, sy mengharapkan dapat terus memperbaiki diri serta mendapat hidayah dan petunjuk drpd tuhan dlm menjalani kehidupan yg penuh cabaran.

2008 telah berlalu penuh dengan ragam dan skesta, drpd pilihan raya umum Mac 2008 hingga ke pemilihan Barack Obama sebagai presiden AS, naik turun harga minyak@inflasi,krisis kewangan,pembunuhan orang yang tidak berdosa, konflik manusia dlm menentukan siapa lemah dan kuat dll.

Sama2 kita membuka tirai 2009@1430H dengan sifat memahami,berkasih syg sesama manusia.Sesungguhnya apa yang kita lakukan pada hari ini akan menentukan takdir pada hari esok